You're Invited to Join in the Joy!
• Dec. 23 @ 7pm •
• Dec. 24 @ 2 & 3:30pm •
Got questions?
Is church just for Christians?
Our services are, of course, geared for those who follow Christ, but are also helpful and hopefully inspiring for anyone. Don’t worry, it’s not going to be weird.
Where do I go?
Park anywhere. Enter through the Main, North, or West doors. Grab some coffee, cocoa, water, or cookies in the lobby if you’d like & bring it into the auditorium. Greeters & signage will direct you to where the auditorium is. (The cookies & cocoa will be out after each service is over too.)
Will I understand what’s going on?
Yep. There’ll be some songs with words on the screen if you’d like to sing along. We stand to sing, but sit for everything else (you can actually sit during singing too if you’d rather). We also pray, listen to a message from the Bible, and do candle lighting. All three Christmas services are the same.
Does Southpoint welcome people with baggage or a broken past?
Yes. Most everyone has issues. Jesus said healthy people don’t need doctors (Luke 5:21).
Does it matter how I dress?
Whatever you’d wear out in public is fine, from jeans & t-shirts to sport coats & dresses.
Will I be singled out as a newcomer?
Will I be pressured to give money or do anything?
What about my kids?
The service will be family-friendly so kids in kindergarten or older will join in with you. Free childcare is provided for preschool & under. If you want to check your little ones in for that, you can do that by the Main entrance. If you’d rather they stay with you, that’s fine too. There’s a glass-enclosed Comfort Room that’s part of the auditorium where you can take your little ones if they become disruptive, and you can still see & hear the service. All kids volunteers are screened with background checks and trained. If your child needs you during the service, you’ll be notified.
Where can I get more information?
Check out the “Southpoint Experience” booklet for more information – linked in the “About Us” menu above, or get a printed copy when you visit. Or email info@southpoint.church with specific questions.