Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


Personal ways our church has impacted people…

As an encouragement to you, I’m going to end the year by relaying a few comments (anonymously) from people who have been impacted by Southpoint.

  • A former minister called to praise the church for blessing his friend who has MS & is handicapped & watches online. The former minister talked about how the church reaches everyone, & sticks to the Word of God.
  • A 29-year-old mother wrote: “I just wanted to say I’m thankful for your church. If it weren’t for the people and the church, I would feel like giving up and have no support or hope. You guys are always there, reminding me of the life of Jesus and all the miracles God performs. Please keep me and my family in prayer.”
  • A mother of 2 middle schoolers: My kids LOVE coming to Shift. In fact, if they have to miss, they are so bummed out! They love their leaders & it’s just another awesome time to get together with like minds to celebrate our Savior! Definitely get your kids to Shift!
  • One of our members reached out with a simple text to a first-time guest couple to invite them back & say she’s praying for them. The wife sent this text back to her: “You saved my husband’s life. We were fighting about money & him not working…due to a back injury…. I was driving home…stuck in traffic…. I looked over at my phone at text noise assuming it was my husband. But it was you. Something told me to forward it to my husband, so I did. When I got home, he asked what time did I get that text. I showed him my phone, and said as soon as I saw it, I sent it to you because something was telling me to. He said I was going to kill myself with our gun before you got home today until that text came in.”

You never know the influence you can have on someone with a simple word of invitation, instruction, or encouragement. People make life-altering decisions because they grow closer to God & experience community through what you do. People come to church seeking help, counsel, friendship, meaning, hope. You can be their lifeline, their bridge to God, if you’ll go out of your way to introduce them to Him & others.  

Did you also know that a team of volunteers has been serving every Tuesday preparing hot meals to anyone who shows up from the community? They’ve served about 4,500, & some of those are now attending & serving at Southpoint. 

Were you aware that we’ve hosted special needs folks from stepcentral.org every week for years so they can hang out & serve?

Did you know we host Highpoint Hybrid Academy for middle & high school on Mondays & Tuesdays, & provide a weekly after-school Bible Club where they’re being taught Scripture?

Did you know that our Trenton Campus hosts a large Bible Study Fellowship for 275 registered women from various churches (with a preschool program) every Thursday morning for years (bsfinternational.org/womens-groups)? Many of the leaders recently signed a wonderful card with a gift to thank us. They each wrote notes like: “What a blessing Southpoint has been to all of us”; “You make a difference”; “We love you all so much and are grateful for your generosity & partnership in sharing God’s Word Downriver”; “Thank you for being a light to those around you!”