Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


It’s a huge & serious issue we can’t remain silent about.

A huge & serious issue is confronting us in the Nov. 8 election. I cannot be a good shepherd myself & not speak up on such a foundational issue. I have to let you know because too much is at stake, & you may not get to hear it anywhere else. 

You may not be aware, but in just over 3 weeks Michigan holds a very consequential vote on Proposal 3 that’s far beyond political-so this is voter education. I won’t be talking about Proposals 1 & 2 because you don’t come to hear my views on policy issues or political personalities. I don’t use my position for that, but to point people to Jesus as the hope of salvation & to teach God’s Word. My role is to guide you with biblical morality-& sometimes that may affect how you vote.

If Proposal 3 (which is deceptively called “Reproductive Freedom for All”) passes, it would lock into our state constitution an unrestricted right to abortion that directly attacks a biblical worldview, the sanctity of human life created in the image of God, the family & religious liberty. In light of what God says, we cannot sit on the sidelines while evil is being promoted. Proverbs 31:8 says: “Open your mouths for those who can’t speak.” God also says: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13-14). Shame on us if we do nothing when we could have helped prevent these awful things while saving multiple thousands of innocent lives.

I’ve already put a little of this in a previous email to the church & posted about it a couple of times on Facebook, but I think it gets shadow-banned (maybe this one will too). Since Roe v. Wade was overturned at the national level, each state now gets to vote on what, if any, restrictions are put into place. In Michigan, we would return to the laws outlawing abortion in 1846 & strengthened in 1931. Proposal 3 would wipe out dozens of state law protections for mothers & babies. 

Today, we have even more cause to outlaw it, because with advanced technology, we now know exactly what’s going on in the womb-from the time of conception when a new DNA is formed to created a unique, separate person. We know the stages when the heartbeat begins, when features are formed, & when pain is felt. The same person at conception simply develops & grows larger. 

But if Proposal 3 passes, it would make Michigan the most pro-abortion place in the world. 

It would make abortion available at all stages & ages for any reason, including: right up to the moment of birth; partial-birth abortion; & even post-birth if it’s determined that a viable newborn should be denied medical care & be left to die. 

It allows minor children to obtain abortions, sterilization, puberty blockers & sex change surgery WITHOUT parental knowledge or consent. This is a direct attack on the family. 

It could also eliminate conscience protection laws for doctors & nurses who object to abortion-that’s attacking religious liberty. 

It allows for tax-payer-funded abortions-that’s you & me being forced to pay for it.

It removes regulations with 24-hour waiting periods, mandatory information about fetal development & ultrasound viewing & removes safeguards about clinics & who can perform abortions.

It’s wrong & horrific. You may be personally affected by abortion. Jesus offers forgiveness & hope. We’ve all done regretful things in the past, but it shouldn’t stop any of us from trying to do what’s right now. Visit supportMIwomenandchildren.org to read the amendment for yourself (because the ballot apparently will not include the actual language-just a summary of it)