Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


How many opportunities have we missed?

Over the past couple of years, our ability to GO & share Jesus has been hindered as we’ve been quarantined, masked, & distanced. People are still hesitant & fearful to interact. We’ve missed many opportunities to be missionaries. On top of that, people seem to be less receptive due to their apprehensions about biblical teaching-or at least their perceptions of it. The biblical worldview is falling more out of favor in society, & Christians are even viewed as the villains stopping societal progress.

Whenever Jesus is introduced, He creates division. Jesus is polarizing. He forces us to pick a side – either we’re for Him or against Him. You can’t ride the fence…at least for long.

This Sunday we begin our month-long focus on the missions we support, concluding with a “Celebration of Generosity” offering to fund them. We’ll also be starting a new series called “REASONING: Regardless of Response”. We have a message that can be shared reasonably…at least with those willing to listen. While some will receive it, others will reject it. Still, we’re compelled to share the Gospel of salvation. As we follow the Apostle Paul in Acts 17-18 to various cities to explain, persuade, debate & refute, we’ll see how to respond to acceptance, indifference, & opposition. 

Paul notes in chapter 17 that “many” believed, and “not a few” prominent people did too. Some might accuse a larger church: “All you care about is numbers!” No doubt it can be a temptation for any size church, but numbers are more than figures, they’re people. Each number is a soul. God never called us to draw huge crowds. When that happens, great, but I’ve never had any control over how many people show up. If it’s a big day, I shouldn’t take any pride in that & if it’s a low day, I shouldn’t beat myself up over it. It’s His Church! It’s His problem & in His hands! 

But people generally aren’t going to just show up for church on their own. They drive by the building & it never crosses their minds to drop in. It usually takes a personal invitation by someone they know & trust. So that is on us.