Unleavened Brett
Brett’s Friday blog.

How much trust should we have in science?
“Science” has become almost like a god. It has been revered for quite some time as completely incapable of error.

Am I an extremist?
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve gotten to hold my 11-month old grandson (from my elder son), as well

Are you sick of politics?
Won’t you be relieved when the election & all the campaigning & ads are over?! It seems such a wasteful

Are you committing this fallacy?
Have you ever read a Bible with red words? The first red letter edition was published in 1899 when the

Should we be participating in Halloween?
I really enjoyed Halloween as a child. Who doesn’t love the fantasy of dressing up like a favorite character &

It’s a huge & serious issue we can’t remain silent about.
A huge & serious issue is confronting us in the Nov. 8 election. I cannot be a good shepherd myself
Good ministers are crucial
38 years ago this month, I entered “professional ministry”, meaning that a church actually hired me as a 20-year-old Bible
Should this be done for kids?
A reminder that kids are important to Jesus & to us! Children need church. When we posted photos of our

Are you needing peace within?
Have you heard the doctor’s prognosis, & just have God’s peace sweep over you? Or you’ve experienced tragedy, but sensed
I have regrets…do you?
A few years ago, I came across a book title by one of my favorite guitarists from when I was

What’s the same & what’s different since 9/11?
9/11 is this Sunday-the day terrorists attacked our nation by hijacking & crashing planes. Two were flown into the World

Is it reasonable to expect Christians to make this a priority?
It’s been said, “To most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it. They just scroll