Groups and Classes

So many people these days seem to be growing more disconnected & distant…. Let’s stay connected & grow together, experiencing biblical community while learning God’s Word. You don’t have to be a Southpoint member or a Christ follower to participate in a group or class. You can relax in the knowledge that everyone’s at different stages spiritually. No matter how little or how much you know about the Bible or Christianity, you can enjoy and grow in a Group or Class!

Biblical community and teaching is where life change happens, because it’s hard to do those things in a crowd on the weekends. The first disciples met in homes. Scripture tells us to practice the “one another’s”—love, pray for, encourage, bear one another’s burdens, offer hospitality, teach, serve. It’s where we make friends & learn to take care of each other. It’s where increase our understanding of the Bible, and learn to apply the its teaching. Even Jesus gathered a group with the Twelve to form a close-knit community. Don’t consider such a group as optional but as vital! Try one to see if it’s a good fit. If it’s not, you’re free to keep trying groups until you find one that’s right for you.

Groups are for women or men, while Classes are for all. Join in one of these offerings, whether its a new one starting in Sept., or one that’s ongoing.

Classes facilitate growth in Biblical knowledge and application.

Groups of people that gather in homes or at Southpoint to connect and grow together using the Bible, curriculum, or book studies.

Groups that offer support during difficult times.