
Following Christ isn’t just about believing, but about belonging

Making the decision to become a member is to put down roots in a local church, and actually function as the family of God. It’s a declaration that, “This is my church home, and I belong here. You can count on me to do my part.” It means accountability for spiritual growth by coming under the leadership of the Elders for sound teaching, pastoral care, spiritual protection and correction. It gives you accountability for your continuing growth.

Declaring that you desire to be a member of the church at Southpoint expresses that you’re in agreement with the beliefs, mission, and principles of the church. It reflects being a family member (Ephesians 2:19). We belong to Christ and to one another (Romans 12:5, 2 Corinthians 8:5). All Christ Followers are also members of the “body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12), so that he can continue his ministry on earth through us.

To become a Southpoint Member:
Note: the first three items can be done in any order.

  • Attend Launch Point
  • Make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ to a church leader – typically when the invitation is given at the conclusion of a Sunday message,or service. This is for any who are making that profession for the first time, or for those who are already Christians.
  • Be baptized if not already immersed
  • Attend Member Orientation – Upon talking to a church leader you will be given a choice of dates that you can attend this one-hour session.