Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


Have you read it today?

Are you reading your Bible? Is it a daily habit? It’s imperative that Christians be familiar with God’s Word more than ever because society is turning away from truth so rapidly…including Christians. “Progressive” Christianity is a religion of subjective feelings instead of objective truth, leading people astray by twisting Scripture so they can still claim to be Christian while denying the parts of the Bible that don’t conform to their postmodern views.

A very small minority of people have a biblical worldview. Last year, Probe Ministries conducted a survey which showed 70% of “born-again Christians” disagree that Jesus is the only way to God. That’s not 70% of Americans–that’s 70% of what are supposed to be biblical believers who are denying the foundational truth of Christianity!

And it only looks worse for the future. In February, the Barna Report on “Millennials in America” showed that only 28% (of those born 1981-1996) believe the Bible is the Word of God. Two out of three believe they’re “Christians,” but their responses show anything but being true disciples of Christ. 56% reject the existence of absolute truth, while only 4% hold to a biblical worldview about God, life & morality. A high percentage don’t know or care if God exists.

Another survey last year showed that only 9% of those in Gen Z (born 1997-2012) use the Bible only 3 to 4 times per year (not week, not month – per year). That means teens & young adults have practically no knowledge or experience with the Bible at all (3-4 times per year barely even counts).

Is it any wonder how we got into the hot mess we’re in today with society sinking deeper into delusion & depravity? Maybe it has to do with Christians themselves turning away from Scripture. Last month The Washington Times reported that the latest findings from the American Worldview Inventory 2022 show that only 41% of America’s senior pastors hold a biblical worldview. [pausing to let that register]. The majority of those preaching each Sunday to God’s people don’t believe in the Bible’s definition of truth & morality. The stats are even much lower for other kinds of “pastors” on the church staff (for example, only 13% of youth “pastors” have a Biblical worldview).

Somebody recently messaged me about what I’d suggest to someone who’s new to the Bible to begin reading first. I said to start in any of the Gospels-but maybe John would be best. Yet, I’ve never gotten to teach through John before-a book that so many people love. So I’m excited that starting this Sunday for over 9 months at Southpoint we’ll be going through the Gospel of John verse-by-verse (taking a break in Nov. & Dec. but then resuming in Jan. to go all the way to Easter)! John reveals Jesus as most significant person in history. He is THE most important subject because your view of Him affects everything about your life now & forever! What you think about Jesus is most important thing in your life. Period.