Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


How are you feeling about the Russian invasion?

​​Are you feeling confused, anxious & fearful of the future because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? If you tune in to any kind of news media, you’re bombarded with 24/7 coverage of this violent attack. We’re not really being directly affected, other than through even higher oil & gas prices. But war drums are being beaten while panic is being stirred about what could happen to us. We’re not in a position to know what’s really going on due to the history, politics & propaganda that’s always a part of the fog of war. What we do know is that innocent people are suffering, and we feel compassion for them. What can we do? 

1. Pray for peace & an end to the suffering. We may feel helpless, but we can call on our God who is not. But ultimately, there will be no peace in this world as long as Jesus is rejected as King. He certainly is not welcome at the head seat at the conference table of the United Nations. No Jesus-no peace. Our mission is to pray that “God’s Kingdom come, His will be done,” and to share the Gospel.

2. Know that one of the missions we support is International Disaster Emergency Service which has been in contact with partners in Ukraine and the surrounding countries. Emergency funding, food and supplies have been sent to those on the ground.

3. Don’t let Bible “prophecy experts” tell you that this war has been foretold in Scripture. This invasion has some Christians wondering if this is the beginning of the end of the world. I’ve been following these kinds of claims for 40+ years, and the “prophets” are always wrong. Jesus said we won’t know when He’s returning. It could be today; it could be 2,000 more years from now. There have been “wars and rumors of war” ever since Christ first came, and they’ll continue until He returns. From the days of Rome long ago up to Russia today, Christians have been waiting in expectation. But our concern is to always be living in a way that expects His return-not to be caught up in “prophetic” hysteria. 

4. God is in control. Jesus said: “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.” (Matthew 6:24). Be aware of what’s going on (be careful about how much “news” you consume), be awake & alert spiritually…but don’t be anxious. Know Jesus–know peace.