Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


How much trust should we have in science?

“Science” has become almost like a god. It has been revered for quite some time as completely incapable of error. You should never question “the Science”. Until now. While it has been a sacred cow getting the final say, that kind of “science” is being revealed for what it is–the great & powerful Wizard of Oz blustering & bluffing from behind a curtain of fallible, limited, sinful human scientists who are actually giving science a bad name.

Real science is a wonderful thing because it’s truth about how the universe works. God is the source of all truth. To say that science & faith can’t mix is a relatively recent development. It’s just not true to the history of science. In fact, it was the Christian worldview of an orderly universe created by an intelligent God that made modern science possible. 

Then why so much unbelief among scientists? Often scientists are simply parroting things that their professors taught them. They’ve never been exposed to any counter-arguments–only to straw men & red herrings. Why do so many reject God & the Bible? Because they’ve never been shown any reasons to believe. They’re told you must believe in science or the Bible, but not both. They reject belief in God because they’ve been told that “science” makes God’s existence improbable. Forget the basic principles of logic that the universe had a beginning, that matter cannot come from non-matter, that our universe is finely-tuned to make life possible, that the systems of the human body are a masterpiece of interconnected engineering, & that DNA is mind-blowingly complex. Believe that it all just “happened”–after all, adding millions of years makes the magical formula possible! That’s when “science” becomes a religion itself.

We heard in the past couple of years of pandemic a lot of dogmatic scientific pronouncements that turned out to be wrong at best, or even purposely deceptive, leading to suppression of evidence. What was once censored as “misinformation” is now being revealed as plausible, if not downright factual. We’ve witnessed hypocrisy, inconsistency & illogic in the name of science. We saw (or didn’t see!) scientists silenced who went against the mainstream narrative, while other scientists knew the truth, but for fear of reprisal remained silent.

“Science” is not making climate predictions on far-future imagined computer-model scenarios when it cannot even accurately predict the weather next week. “Science” is not claiming ignorance of what gender is. “Science” is not claiming that abortion is like removing a polyp because real science knows that a fetus is a unique human individual. 

My point is not to rehash all those arguments, but to point out that science should be doubted & questioned. What is actually evolving is science (not humans!) because it can only truly speak to what the scientific method can measure–that which is observable, repeatable & verifiable. Scientists often can’t agree among themselves. Science changes & reverses itself over time with newer discoveries. No wonder many are losing their religion when it comes to the “scientific community.” A person cannot make the solemn claim to be a scientist when making philosophical, political, or theological speculations. Not everything they say is scientific. “Science” can be just as corrupt as any other field of endeavor.

What I hope to do here is shore up your trust in God’s Word! Take heart. We don’t have a blind faith, but a reasonable, logical, evidence-based faith. You don’t have to fear the Wizard. You don’t trust scientists (or teachers or journalists or ministers!) just because they earned a degree. The question is, are they following what’s actually true or are they promoting their own subjective assumptions of what they want to be true. As Christians, we never have to fear real science, because it is truth. And all truth is God’s. But we do have to beware of anti-God or anti-Bible philosophies that masquerade as science.