Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


Is your faith important or personal?

As we’ve been emphasizing our call as Christians to GROW & GO, a couple of studies were recently released that highlight the importance of the Great Commission to make disciples (Matt. 28:19-20).

“Most Christians see their spiritual lives as private, but outlook clashes with their role as disciples” A disciple carries out the ministry & mission of Jesus. But if we keep our faith private, we’re not living as disciples, & there’s little hope for the world because we’re the delivery system for the message of salvation. It’s not an option for us to keep the Gospel to ourselves (unless you really believe that Jesus is NOT the only way to heaven-as many so-called “Christians” do). 

Also, it means that most Christians aren’t part of a discipleship community-not involved with friends helping each other grow. Instead, we’ve grown more disconnected & distant. Some can be blamed on digital technology & some on COVID-19. But this is not healthy for discipleship. Jesus gave us the model for discipleship, & it’s not a private thing. He did it in community, sharing daily life with 12 Disciples. And then He commissioned them to go share it with others. 

Yet, the good news from the other study is found: “Faith in America isn’t dead: ‘Strong thread of spirituality’ in nation.” Compared to other nations, Americans are still more religious “despite headlines that emphasize religion’s decline, faith remains a strong moral force in American life.” However, “spirituality” doesn’t necessarily equate to a saving Christian faith. 

What this says to me first is that Christians need to get back to making church a priority weekly–not monthly or a-few-times-a-yearly. New Testament believers gathered often (Acts 2:42-46, 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:2) & they pursued Bible learning, prayer, worship & fellowship. Avoiding those things does not lead to growth. It also indicates that people today outside the church are still interested in God, Jesus, & Scripture, but need someone to personally invite them & invest in discipling them.