Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


Should I say something or stay silent?

Because the US Supreme Court seems ready to overturn Roe v. Wade, the US Senate tried to pass a law this past week to not only codify abortion but to remove state restrictions & expand it even further right up to the moment before birth. The motion failed, but 49 Senators wanted to do just that-nearly the majority. Lord, have mercy on our nation for trying to remove barriers to killing infants. How disturbing that they can say a baby is just a “clump of cells” to deny the obvious truth? After all, you & I are just bigger “clumps of cells”, but we’re valuable clumps with an inherent right to life because of God’s image in us!

Many today are trapped in a delusion. The “god” of this world has blinded people to the truth (beginning with the gospel itself – 2 Cor. 4:4). The same is true with gender issues. A local church worship minister with a wife & children chose Mother’s Day to come out online as transgender. He may have changed names, but he can’t change his gender because he was created male in every strand of DNA. He too is tragically trapped in a delusion, & none of us should feel pressured or shamed into participating in such delusions. Just because people with anorexia are deluded by their warped view of being overweight doesn’t mean I should affirm their views. That’s not the right or loving thing to do. 

“Pride” month is coming soon when we’ll again feel the pressure of society to affirm gender dysphoria & homosexualism. We know that these aren’t natural or good because God affirms His design for male & female throughout Scripture. Satan comes to “kill, steal, and destroy” through deception-it’s the only real weapon he has because he’s the father of lies. People get trapped in sinful attitudes & actions when they reject God’s Word.

Does that mean we don’t love such people? No. But should we support or correct their delusions? These are contentious issues, & many would ironically call me judgmental names for being judgmental. But pointing out truth from falsehood isn’t being judgmental-it’s making a correct & necessary judgment. It’s certainly easier to play it safe & stay silent. But it’s actually unloving to not call people out from their delusions. In these kinds of serious biblical & moral issues, we can’t sit on the fence or on the sidelines. Too much is at stake.

I think back to the time of slavery–would I have kept silent about it? How about the Holocaust? Would you have kept silent or spoken out? What about further back to the times in Israel when some parents would “pass through the fire” their children as sacrifices to pagan gods like Molech, would I have stayed neutral? Or during the days of Sodom would I have spoken up or just let them suffer the consequences of their immortalities? 

I would hope that I’d have the courage to speak against the delusions & for the truth. The truth will be offensive (but that doesn’t mean we have to be offensive in the way we speak it). We can’t be intimidated into supporting sin. We stand up to the criticism without apology, but with humility, civility & compassion. God’s people need to have a strong spine & soft heart.

Marriage & family are the foundation for society. I don’t need to tell you the state of the modern family isn’t good-the stats are sad & the picture isn’t pretty. I could cite lots of reasons why family life isn’t working well for so many, but no doubt it stems from a rejection of God’s order that’s causing problems.