Did you know earlier this year that Oklahoma planned to purchase 55,000 Bibles for their government (public) schools? The state’s education chief has ordered a copy for every classroom. Of course, it’s considered very controversial. But not that long ago it wouldn’t have been. In the early years of U.S. education, Bible reading & religious instruction were common, expected, & central. Much of the point of being educated was so that a person could be able to read the Bible.
Many schools, including universities, were operated by churches–Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Brown, etc. Bible verses were included in national documents & speeches, & inscribed on buildings & memorials. In the Northwest Ordinance (adopted in 1787 & 1789), which allowed new territories to become states, the founders wrote: “Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary for good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”
Well into the 20th century, Bible reading in many schools, whether required or permitted, was still widespread & routine. But a 1963 Supreme Court case changed that. The year before, the Court ruled that official school prayer was unconstitutional. That interpretation of separation of church & state set the precedent for the following year when they ruled that officially mandated Bible reading was also unconstitutional, even if students could be excused by parental request. Students still have the right to bring their own Bibles to school to read & discuss privately.
But the Court didn’t entirely ban the classroom study of Scripture. As long as the Bible was viewed from a literary or historical perspective (instead of a religious one), it was OK. In fact, in my government high school, I took a very helpful Bible course that helped me understand how Bible history flowed & fit together.
Oklahoma’s state superintendent of schools has now mandated the teaching of the Bible, focusing on its impact on history & literature. In addition, a few weeks ago the Texas Board of Education voted to approve Bible curriculum in elementary schools. While it’s optional for schools, they will receive additional funding if they implement it. This would make Texas the first state to do this, & it will surely be challenged in court.
The fact is, a student can’t fully understand or appreciate Western civilization or American history & culture without understanding the teachings & influence of the Bible. It is the foundational text, influencing countless works of literature, art, & music. How could studying Jesus, the most significant figure in all of Western if not world history be left out? Somewhere close to 300 common phrases come from the Bible, yet students have no idea of their original meaning (think of “The Golden Rule,” “The Good Samaritan,” “Turn the other cheek,” “The salt of the earth,” “A thorn in the flesh,” “My brother’s keeper,” etc.).
The Bible also, of course, influences moral values & principles which otherwise may not be addressed. Yet, a few days ago, the Bible was removed from one Texas school district due to a law banning “sexually explicit” content. The school district superintendent announced that the full text of the Bible is unsuitable for schools, though portions of it will remain in the district’s libraries. The email sparked outrage from many parents. If the laudable effort is to prevent inappropriate materials in school libraries, it seems this particular district needs to reexamine its definition of “sexually explicit.”
Whether these measures in a couple of states are upheld or not, hardly any children will be taught the Bible in a government school these days. So Christian parents have to be sure that they’re reading & being taught Scripture at home & in church.
How life-changing would it be for every Christian to commit to begin reading through the Bible daily next year? At our church, on January 1 we’re beginning an online Bible reading marathon from Genesis to Revelation around-the-clock, with different people taking turns in ½ hour segments. Then we begin a Sunday message series that will go book-by-book, Genesis to Revelation, from January through November–giving an overview of one book each week (a few shorter books will be bundled together).
Numerous books, articles, & podcasts make “discipleship” complicated with all kinds of programs. But really it’s pretty simple. Jesus told His Disciples to teach the world to obey what He had commanded (Matt. 28:19-20). In the Early Church before Christians had a completed Bible, they met for fellowship, prayer, communion & teaching (Acts 2:42). The Apostle Paul went from house to house teaching (Acts 20:20). Churches must major on teaching Scripture to children, teens & adults (Col. 3:16, 2 Tim. 2:2, 15, 3:16-17).
We’re blessed be educated so that we’re literate enough to read the Bible. And we’re blessed to have the Bible–in fact we have multiple translations geared to different reading levels. So in this new year, resolve to read daily out of an actual book or online or with an app (such as YouVersion, biblegateway, or biblehub). Various Bible reading plans are available on these sites as well. Get a good study Bible (like the ESV Study Bible). Read to or with your children at dinner time or bedtime. There’s no greater resource for spiritual growth than Scripture. But don’t just read it–do what it says (James 1:22).