Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


Was it the worst for you too?

I saw a couple of interesting headlines recently. One said: “Forget 2020, half of Americans now think 2021 was worst year of their lives!” I personally would have to agree with that sentiment – it was a tough year on a lot of fronts. The other headline was from a blog: “Why are so many young people unhappy?” Mental health is a huge issue, especially among the young with suicidal thoughts, depression, drug use & self-harm. 

Even though we’re living at the pinnacle of civilization with better quality of life & longer life spans, with prosperity (in spite of the economic downturn), comforts, time & work saving appliances & tools, an abundance & variety of delicious global foods, technology, educational opportunities, entertainment choices, medical advancements, and peace, people are dissatisfied, disillusioned, discouraged, and drifting without meaning. We’re miserable when we’re disconnected from God. The things of this world don’t keep us happy. People need Jesus! Let that motivate us to share the Best News Ever!  

Isn’t it ironic that in a world that so desperately wants to ignore Jesus that every time we reference the new year–2022–we’re acknowledging that Jesus is the center of history?! It doesn’t matter if they try to disguise that it’s 2022 “AD” (Anno Domini = Year of our Lord) by using “CE” (Common Era)-each year is still being dated from the life of Jesus! History is HIS story & His reign will never end!