Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday Blog Post


What’s the same & what’s different since 9/11?

9/11 is this Sunday-the day terrorists attacked our nation by hijacking & crashing planes. Two were flown into the World Trade Center in NYC. One was flown into the Pentagon. But the 4th plane, which was on the way to either the U.S. Capitol Building or the White House, was thwarted by the passengers who took back control & flew it into the ground. On that plane was a man whose final words became the rallying cry for fighting back in the war on terror.

He’s celebrated as hero, but at Southpoint we have a more personal connection to him. His sister & her family have been part of our church for many years. Recently his parents moved here & now attend Southpoint also. His father has spoken many times all over the nation, & actually spoke at our Trenton building dedication (phase 1) in Jan. 2003. So I asked David Beamer if he’d like to say a few words on this occasion:

“The day, 9/11/01, remains as a milestone marker of time…our world before 9/11 and our world after 9/11. Millions of Americans remember where they were that day. Millions more do not, because they weren’t born yet. Much has happened. Some things are the SAME, 21 years later. Many remember what our son Todd and 39 other free people on Flight 93 did that day…fought back, launched a successful counterattack and prevented untold death and destruction in our nation’s capital. Many remember Todd’s last words which Lisa Jefferson, a GTE telephone operator, recounted, “Are you guys ready? Let’s Roll”. And so the counterattack was launched.

“Many remember Todd and the Beamer family in prayer, for which we are thankful. Many remember those who continue to serve, sacrifice and answer the call of duty to keep us safe and free. Each and every day since 9/11 has been a great day for Todd Beamer. That is because Todd knew Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He surely did not know he would meet God on 9/11, but he was ready for the meeting. This faith and assurance has sustained Peggy and me and the Beamer clan, and will continue to do so until that heavenly reunion.

“All are invited to the heavenly reunion, but each has the free will to accept the host’s invitation or not. THE host is Jesus Christ … He has made known the easy actions one must take to get a ticket. We pray that those who have not accepted Him and His gracious invitation would do so. Everyone who worships with Southpoint is reminded every week of the steps to ‘RSVP’.

“Some things are very DIFFERENT, 21 years later. The days following 9/11 saw a UNITED States of America. The country was united under our flag and its colors…Red AND White AND Blue. Now our country is very divided. The same colors, but now…Red OR White OR Blue. Many who wear a uniform are now vilified rather than honored. The days after 9/11/01 multitudes were praying and seeking God’s help, comfort, protection and guidance. Twenty-one years later our country has widened the gap between God’s truth and what is now deemed acceptable.

“Should God bless a nation where HE is not welcomed? Some things require us to take action. We have an opportunity to select representatives in our government at all levels. It is our responsibility to vote. It is our job to vote based on principles not politics. Does a candidate represent God’s truth and values and the founding principles of our republic? If so, they should be supported. If not, then not. The MOST important action item for all is decide what to do about the God/Man Jesus Christ and His invitation. Make sure you are ready on ‘your September 10’. There will come a day too late to decide.”