Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday blog.

man looking stressed or worried

Am I concerned or worried?

We know worry is bad for us. It’s unhealthy, tying knots in our stomachs & kinks in our backs. Many

Why is church good for you?

In our current church message series, “Good for You,” we’ve been exploring biblical principles for better living. We seem to

Photo of Brett blowing out a candle on a cupcake with balloons behind him

Today I turn 60

1963 was a pivot year of social & cultural upheaval in some of the most turbulent times especially with two

people playing the board game "Monopoly"

What’s your favorite toy?

For kids, Christmas is all about the toys. Can you remember the thrill of wandering down the store aisles in

Blue Arrow on Wall

Who’s Your 1?

Remember the parable Jesus told about the shepherd with 100 sheep? One sheep wandered away & got lost, so the