Unleavened Brett

Brett’s Friday blog.

When is war justifiable?

Are we already in World War 3? Some prominent voices say so, considering the U.S. is fighting a proxy war

Is God really male?

For this Father’s Day, I’d like to point out that the God of the Bible is very different than the

Which bucket will you pour?

Would you say you’re an angry person? Would others say you are? Got a short fuse? I’ve never really been

Are you good-looking?

We naturally admire & desire to be beautiful people. But wouldn’t you agree we place way too much emphasis on

Should we turn to therapy?

I was recently dealing with a troubled person who seemed to be affected by mental health problems (or possibly demonic

What are you waiting for?

We seem to be seeing increasing interest in Christianity lately among celebrities. The most recent was last Sunday when Russell

Is evolution real?

When two of the biggest & most controversial online media commentators get together for a 3-hour chat, you know something

Why 15 weeks?

A strong majority of Americans want some limits on abortion, but where do you draw the line? A consensus has

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Is suicide forgivable?

Suicide has become one of the top causes of death worldwide. Even more have attempted it, & many more have