Unleavened Brett
Brett’s Friday blog.

Is the coming eclipse a sign of the end?
Have you heard how some are trying to link the coming solar eclipse with prophecy? Jesus did talk about signs

Are Americans still celebrating Easter?
This Sunday is Easter which used to be widely recognized as a spiritual holiday for celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

Should we co-exist?
Can different religions get along? Depends on what you mean. 24 years ago the “Coexist” logo was created featuring the

Should we support Israel?
To touch the live wire of the conflict in Israel is to invite an explosion of strong opinion. But instead

To puff or pray?
Did you know that Michigan local governments are receiving $87 million from “recreational” marijuana sales? Those pot taxes are supposedly

Whose values are best for government?
Did you vote in the presidential primaries this past week? I’ve rarely ever missed the opportunity to express my views

When it comes to men, what do women want?
Some years ago, I surveyed our church on what they seek in the opposite sex. In last week’s blog I

When it comes to women, what do men want?
Did you celebrate Valentine’s Day earlier this week? Some couples make a big deal out of this Hallmark holiday. Others

Will you be betting on the Super Bowl?
This Sunday’s Super Bowl is expected to be the biggest sports betting event in the nation’s history, hosted in the

Am I concerned or worried?
We know worry is bad for us. It’s unhealthy, tying knots in our stomachs & kinks in our backs. Many

Why is church good for you?
In our current church message series, “Good for You,” we’ve been exploring biblical principles for better living. We seem to

Is assisted suicide coming here?
Why am I pro-life? Because killing innocent people is wrong. Whether aborting a newly conceived baby in the womb or