Through The Bible Book By Book

Here you’ll find all of the resources provided as part of the weekly teaching in 2025.

Click a graphic to go to the related message video archive, and use the buttons to get the reference pages or other resources further below.

5 Weeks in the Word

We prepared for this in 2024 with a series called “5 Weeks in the Word” which covered the importance, reliability, & authority of the Bible, as well as how to interpret & understand it. View those messages and get the tools and other materials provided here:

You can also watch this message from January 1, 2023 to get an overview:


Want to watch some overview videos about each Bible book? Check any of these out on YouTube:

OT = Old Testament
NT = New Testament

All of these can also be viewed on each program’s own website & app.


Pick one up at Southpoint, or use one of these apps or websites: